Tuesday, 25 March 2014

creating a glass perfume bottle

this is me again creating a perfume bottle but was tasked with making it a glass one, this was quite difficult as i had to have accurate numbers of reflection, shadow, etc. but it ended up looking okay with the colour and floor reflection.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

perfume bottle

here i have created a perfume bottle on CINEMA 4D by first finding an image then tracing the outline and creating the overall shape of the bottle that is similar to the image of an already designed one. I then proceeded to pick the right colour, i went for a pink type colour for some reason, then by adding the right amount of reflection to the bottle and adding a shadow it looked more like a 3d bottle. 

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

im on an ipod...

 using the software called Cinema 4d i created an ipod and using an image of my face as the display screen and using an already made button design for the buttons so that it looks more realistic. i then set up some lights and rendered the image.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

i am on the moon

I have used the same graffiti technique as the one i did of bob Marley on a wall to put my name on the moon in a special graffiti text that i created using photoshops tools.